A diver over a reef with a camera and a yellow measuring tape

Monitoring the Great Barrier Reef

Monitoring the largest coral reef system on the planet

The Great Barrier Reef is a rich and complex natural ecosystem. It is the largest coral system on the planet, with almost 3,000 individual reefs covering an area of 344,400 square kilometres – approximately the size of Germany.

Not only is the Reef an ecosystem of extraordinary natural beauty, it also contributes $6.4 billion each year to the Australian economy, and supports 64,000 jobs.

The Reef is subject to significant environmental pressures, including marine heatwaves associated with climate change, cyclones, and crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks.

To understand the effects of these pressures, AIMS provides essential data on the status of coral and fish communities and how they are changing through two programs – the Long-Term Monitoring Program, and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Monitoring Program.

Our monitoring of the Great Barrier Reef ensures scientists, reef managers and the Australian community have access to up-to-date and accurate information.