rope on a bollard on a boat


Research volunteer, internship, placement & work experience opportunities at AIMS (unpaid)

AIMS is committed to supporting the next generation of marine scientists. We regularly collaborate with researchers across the world and have formal partnerships with Australian universities including James Cook University, the University of Western Australia, and Charles Darwin University for postgraduate students.

We occasionally have opportunities available for outside these partnerships through internships, placements and work experience, as well as short-term volunteer opportunities. These opportunities are all unpaid and temporary by nature. 

How to register

All steps must be completed for the enquiry to be registered:

  1. Sign the Information Sharing Consent Form
  2. Email the Information Sharing Consent Form & your CV to
  3. Complete the online enquiry form below 

Please keep your answers brief. 

Register your interest 

Enquiry responses are added to a register made available internally to AIMS staff. Staff members will contact you directly if your qualifications and skills match their opportunity.  

Your submission will remain in the system for a period of six months. After the six-month period you may wish to resubmit your enquiry.

Initial enquiries about tertiary education opportunities with AIMS (e.g. Masters or PhD studies) should be made via a university, not through this enquiry form.

For more information about our personal information handling practices, please read AIMS Privacy Policy.

Interested in paid employment opportunities?

AIMS vacancies