In response to the growing number of large-scale dredging operations associated with the resources boom in Western Australia, this partnership has recently established a dredging node to further understand and mitigate coastal dredging impacts.
A series of dredging sediment impact experiments has also been conducted in AIMS’ SeaSim facility.
Projects will also commence in the Kimberley to support the management of the proposed state marine parks at Camden Sound, North Kimberley, Roebuck Bay and Eighty Mile Beach. These will involve significant engagement with Indigenous community groups in the region.
Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI) was launched in 2007 to improve knowledge and understanding of Western Australia's marine environment for better resource development, management and conservation outcomes.
It was launched with an initial investment of $21 million over five years from the State Treasury, with the following founding partners:
- University of Western Australia
- Murdoch University
- Western Australian Department of Parks and Wildlife
- Office of Science
- Western Australian Department of Premier and Cabinet
- West Australian Museum
- Curtin University
- ChemCentre
- Edith Cowan University
- Western Australian Department of Fisheries
- Western Australian Global Ocean Observing System
- Bureau of Meteorology
- Woodside Energy Pty Ltd.
In 2011, the Western Australian Government Office of the Environmental Protection Agency was admitted as a 16th partner.
In 2011–2012, the Western Australian Government provided a further $12 million over six years for development of WAMSI 2, which is focusing on strategic research in the Kimberley region. In addition, funding from industry has enabled the Dredging Node’s establishment, with Dr Ross Jones as the Science Node leader.
For further details, please visit the WAMSI website.