five people in AIMS shorts smiling while standing on the bow of the RV Solander with a calm sea in the background

Equity, diversity and inclusion at AIMS

Valuing a diverse workforce

AIMS appreciates the value inherent in a diverse workforce. Employees who belong to a wide range of demographic groups can use their varying backgrounds, experiences and skills to help deliver innovative and creative science excellence while allowing staff to reach their full potential.

We are committed to maintaining a workplace where social identities such as age, gender, orientation, disability status, race, and more have no impact on an individual’s opportunity to succeed and thrive.

2 people sitting in dive gear on the edge of a small vessel smiling at camera
Image: V. Brosig

The AIMS Equity, Diversity, and Gender Equality (EDGE) Working Group

EDGE is a consultative group of employees and students across AIMS who develop and deliver initiatives that support the SAGE (Science in Australia Gender Equity) Action Plan on our accreditation pathway, and promote equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging in the workplace. 

EDGE was formed to make recommendations to our leadership team on the development of workplace strategies which strive to:

  • raise awareness of the principles and benefits of diversity, equity and inclusiveness at AIMS;
  • identify and eliminate discrimination and promote equity and inclusiveness through diversity minutes at all-staff webinars, development of initiatives that promote diversity, equity and inclusion, sharing and communicating information to support staff understanding and engagement with diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, progression of the SAGE Bronze Award actions, and more; 
  • foster a workplace culture where there is respect for the past, realism for the present and optimism for the future; and 
  • acknowledge and appreciate diversity and the unique capabilities of every individual in the AIMS workforce.
two people smiling at camera over seeding devices in tank
Image: M. Roman

EDGE supports several events annually as part of these initiatives including Harmony Day, International Women’s Day, Women and Girls in Science, International Day Against LGBTQIA+ Discrimination (IDAHOBIT), Wear it Purple Day, and more.

Since 2020, EDGE has worked with various AIMS teams to implement impactful initiatives to improve diversity, equity and inclusion. 

This has included:

  • the development of an Inclusive Language Guide, 
  • review of gendered language in published documentation, 
  • implementation of toolkits to provide additional information and guidance on key processes within AIMS including leave, Flexible Working Arrangements (FWA), and offboarding. 

Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE)

The Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE) initiative was piloted in Australia in 2015 to support initiatives promoting gender equity, diversity and inclusion in STEMM in the Australian higher education and research sector. The program provides an accreditation framework for driving organisational change towards gender equity, diversity and inclusion, whilst also breaking down barriers and supporting the attraction, retention, and progression of women, trans and gender diverse people.

In 2020, AIMS was awarded the SAGE Accreditation Bronze Award, which recognises AIMS' commitment to improving gender equity, diversity, and inclusion. 

two people at a tank with tall piles of ceramic star shaped devices next to an aquarium
Image: Marie Roman

Indigenous Partnerships

 AIMS acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People as the Traditional Owners of the places where AIMS works, both on land and in the sea country of tropical Australia and pay our respects to the elders; past, present, and future; and their continuing culture, beliefs, and spiritual relationships and connection to the land and sea. 

The development of AIMS’ Indigenous Partnerships Plan (IPP) is a roadmap for AIMS to achieve genuine marine science partnerships with Traditional Owners. We recognise that greater research impact and value can be created, and new insights gained when our science is interwoven with the knowledge, intuition, capacity, and capability of this country’s original marine scientists – the Traditional Owners of sea Country.

Image: K. Green

AIMS is dedicated to promoting marine science and related careers to Indigenous people through measured improvements in recruitment and retention of Indigenous staff. 

We are:

  • introducing and promoting marine science and STEMM related careers at AIMS to young Indigenous people through work experience placements and participation in immersive programs such as Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders in Marine Science (ATSIMS), Aboriginal Summer School for Excellence in Technology and Science, and junior rangers;
  • promoting Indigenous training and capacity building within individual science projects, as well as broadly across the organisation to increase/improve cultural competency;
  • using Indigenous networks to actively encourage applicants to all advertised job vacancies, including Indigenous-identified positions; and
  • professional development and career progression for all Indigenous staff.