Diver on transect tape on healthy reef

Future of reef management is in the cloud 

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03 February 2021

AIMS is harnessing the world-leading expertise of Accenture in a partnership to create a cloud-based machine learning platform that will connect data from disparate sources to help the world better manage coral reefs which are under increasing threat. 

The system draws upon the best expertise, data, and technologies, to provide an accessible, integrated approach to coral reef monitoring.  

AIMS project leader, senior research scientist Dr Manuel Gonzalez Rivero said Accenture brought the expertise to help AIMS realise its vision of creating a system that allowed users in disparate locations, using different technologies, to share data to collaborate and generate knowledge and timely advice for reef management.  

Accenture’s R&D centre, The Dock, has successfully completed a phase of initial testing. 

Accenture announced this partnership today. Further details will be available this year.