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8 August: Young marine scientists showcase their work in Townsville

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11 August 2014

August 8, 2014

Townsville is preparing to be dazzled by twenty young marine scientists who are each presenting their research today.

"This annual event, co-run by the Australian Institute of Science and James Cook University is a showcase of the science being undertaken by AIMS@JCU students. Science communication styles are varied, and include standard 12 minute seminars, three minute speed-talks, posters and imagery,” said Research Director of AIMS@JCU, Libby Evans-Illidge.

Students will compete for attractive prizes of funding at the seminar, to support their further science communication activities. This year, Dr Liz Tynan (JCU) and international marine science expert, Dr Chris Crossland, are the judges.

“It’s not enough just to do great science – it’s also critical to be able to communicate that science to a wider audience, and this seminar day is a perfect opportunity for the students to develop this skill in a professional setting” added Evans-Illidge.

The presentations will cover a broad range of topics including sting rays, sharks and the impact of coal on marine environments as well as coral biology and disease; marine chemistry; and biology and ecology. Many students will put their research in the context of helping to understand environmental stress and change.

AIMS@JCU is a strategic alliance between the Australian Institute of Marine Science and James Cook University to join the strengths of both organisations and collaborate in world-class tropical marine research. The major vehicle to achieve this is postgraduate research projects jointly supervised by staff from both institutions.

For further information:

Libby Evans-Illidge, AIMS@JCU Research Director,