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02 July: Estuaries to oceans - Science and sustainability conference

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02 July 2015

Australia’s leading marine scientists will gather in Geelong in Victoria next week (July 6-9) to discuss the latest research, challenges and solutions for sustainable marine and coastal development.

The four-day 2015 Australian Marine Sciences Association (AMSA) national conference, to be held at Deakin University’s Waterfront campus in Geelong will feature talks, a symposium and a public event.

“AMSA is a fabulous event where scientists from universities and institutes like AIMS come together to discuss solutions and share their research. AIMS scientists will be discussing their wide-ranging work from all around Australia. We will be discussing lessons learned from Australian research and also internationally, looking at sustainability and the environment,” said AIMS scientist, Dr Prue Addison.

For example, Dr Abigail McQuatters-Gollop, from the Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science in the UK will reveal the results from the latest marine conservation initiative in the European Union, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

“This talk is just one example that will provide great insight into international approaches that Australia could learn from,” said Dr Addison.

There will also be a number of presentations from AIMS scientists from the latest research into monitoring and reporting approaches to better understand the health of the Great Barrier Reef. AIMS provides internationally recognised expertise in monitoring and evaluation of tropical marine ecosystems and processes.

Other talks from AIMS scientists during the week will include presentations on Crown of Thorns starfish control, turtles and also water quality and tropical marine ecosystems.

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