I graduated from James Cook University in 2007 with a PhD in marine ecology and joined AIMS in 2008. My main area of research interest is in ecosystem ecology and its application to the management of aquatic systems. In particular, the importance of biodiversity in the functioning of marine ecosystems and the role of key communities in that process. Within this, past research has included the role of fish communities in trophodynamics, quantitative spatial ecology, environmental shifts in community structures, life history theory and the importance of prey life histories to energy allocations and budgets within ecosystems.
My current research activities revolve around science for the conservation and management of Ningaloo Reef and the Kimberley in WA. Assessments of vertebrate and invertebrate group vulnerability and defining habitat correlates that mediate patterns of abundance and distribution within key functional groups are examples of these research activities. Alongside this, I continue my involvement in further understanding ecosystem function with an emphasis on how climate change may affect reef communities. This is very much aimed at the development of direct physiological indicators (ageing, development & reproduction processes) of climate change.
- Blending western science with indigenous ecological knowledge.
- Development of marine sampling tools for indigenous communities.
- Ageing and the biological mechanisms shaping fish life history strategies.
- Juvenile fish recruitment processes over decadal time.
- Ecological processes in macro tidal Kimberley benthic communities.
- Redefining the role of macroalgae in coral reef ecosystems.
Wilson SK, Depczynski M, Fulton C, Holmes T, Goetze J, Birt M, Radford B, Tinkler P, Evand R, Moustaka M, Faubel C, Noble M (2024) Can juvenile supply predict future size-class abundance in large-bodied reef fishes? Mar Environ Res. 199:106607. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2024.106607
Bradley M, Dubuc A, Piggott CV, Sambrook K, Hoey AS, Depczynski M, Langlois TJ, Gagliano M, Wilson SK, Cure K, Holmes TH (2024) The fish–mangrove link is context dependent: Tidal regime and reef proximity determine the ecological role of tropical mangroves. Fish and Fisheries 25(3): 523-541. https://doi.org/10.1111/faf.12822
Cure K, Barneche DR, Depczynski M, Fisher R, Warne DJ, McGree JM, Underwood J, Weisenberger F, Evans-Illidge E, Oades D, Howard A. (2024) Communicating uncertainty in Indigenous sea Country monitoring with Bayesian statistics: towards more informed decision-making. Ambio 2024: 1-18 https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-024-01980-2
Bessey C, Depczynski M, Goetze JS, Moore G, Fulton CJ, Snell M, Parsons SK, Berry O, Wilson S. Cryptic biodiversity: A portfolio‑approach to coral reef fish surveys (2023) Limnol Oceanogr Methods. 21(10): 594-605. https://doi.org/10.1002/lom3.10567
Cannon SE, Donner SD, Liu A, González Espinosa PC, Baird AH, Baum JK, Bauman AG, Beger M, Benkwitt CE, Birt MJ, Chancerelle Y Cinner JE, Crane NL, Denis V, Depczynski M, Fadli N, Fenner D, Fulton CJ, Golbuu Y, Graham NAJ, Guest J, Harrison HB, Hobbs JPA, S Hoey AS, Holmes TH, Houk P, Fraser A Januchowski‐Hartley FA, Jompa J, Kuo CY, Limmon GV, Lin YV, McClanahan TR, Muenzel D, Paddack MJ, Planes S, Pratchett MS, Radford B, Reimer JD, Richards ZT, Ross CL, Rulmal Jr J, Sommer B, Williams GJ, Wilson SK (2023) Macroalgae exhibit diverse responses to human disturbances on coral reefs. Glob Chang Biol 29(12): 3318. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16694
Wilson SK, Fulton CJ, Graham NAJ, Abesamis RA, Berkström C, Coker DJ, Depczynski M, Evans RD, Fisher R, Goetze J, Hoey A, Holmes TH, Kulbicki M, Noble M, Robinson JPW, Bradley M, Åkerlund C, Barrett LT, Abner A, Bucol AA, Birt MJ, Chacin DH, Chong‐Seng KM, Eggertsen L, Eggertsen M, Ellis D, Leung PTY, Paul KS, Lam PKS, Van Lier J, Matis PA, Pérez‐Matus A, Piggott CVH, Radford BT, Tano S, Tinkler P (2022) The contribution of macroalgae‐associated fishes to small‐scale tropical reef fisheries. Fish and Fisheries 23(4): 847-861 https://doi.org/10.1111/faf.12653
Cvitanovic C, Mackay M, Kelly R, Wilson SK, Waples K, Nash KL, van Putten EI, Field S, Botterill-James T, Austin BJ, Beckley LE, Boschetti F, Depczynski M, Dobbs RJ, Evans RD, Feng M, Goater RK, Halford AR, Kendrick A, Kendrick GA, Lincoln GDB, Ludgerus LJ, Lowe RJ, McMahon K, Munro JK, Newman SJ, Nutt C, Pearson L, O'Leary MJ, Richards ZT, Robbins WD, Rogers DI, Salgado Kent CP, Schoepf V, Travers MJ, Thums M, Tucker AD, Underwood JN, Whiting S, Mathews D (2021) Thirty critical research needs for managing an ecologically and culturally unique remote marine environment: The Kimberley region of Western Australia. Ocean & Coastal Manag 212 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2021.105771
Babcock RC, Thomson DP, Haywood MDE, Vanderklift MA, Pillans R, Rochester WA, Miller M, Speed CW, Shedrawi G, Field S, Evans R, Stoddart J, Hurley TJ, Thompson A, Gilmour J, Depczynski M (2020) Recurrent coral bleaching in north-western Australia and associated declines in coral cover. Mar Freshw Res 72(5): 620-632
Piggott CVH, Depczynski M, Gagliano M, Langlois TJ (2020) Remote video methods for studying juvenile fish populations in challenging environments. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 532. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jembe.2020.151454
Gagliano M, Vyazovskiy VV, Borbély AA, Depczynski M, Radford B (2020) Comment on lack of evidence for associative learning in pea plants. eLife https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.61141
Puotinen M, Drost E, Lowe R, Depczynski M, Radford B, Heyward A, Gilmour J (2020) Towards modelling the future risk of cyclone wave damage to the world’s coral reefs. Glob Chg Biol 26(8): 4302-4315 https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15136
Morais RA, Depczynski M, Fulton C, Marnane M, Narvaez P, Huertas V, Brandl SJ, Bellwood DR (2020) Severe coral loss shifts energetic dynamics on a coral reef. 34(7): 1291-1518 https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.13568
Fulton CJ, Berkström C, Wilson SK, Abesamis RA, Bradley M, Åkerlund C, Barrett LT, Bucol AA, Chacin DH, Chong-Seng CM, Coker DJ, Depczynski M, Eggertsen L, Eggertsen M, Ellis D, Evans RD, Graham NAJ, Hoey AS, Holmes TH, Kulbicki M, Leung PTY, Lam PKS, van Lier J, Matis PA, Noble MM, Pérez-Matus A, Piggott C, Radford BT, Tano S, Tinkler P (2020) Macroalgal meadow habitats support fish and fisheries in diverse tropical seascapes. Fish & Fisheries 21: 700-717 https://doi.org/10.1111/faf.12455
Tebbett SB, Hoey AS, Depczynski M, Wismer S, Bellwood DR (2020) Macroalgae removal on coral reefs: realised ecosystem functions transcend biogeographic locations. Coral Reefs 39: 203-211. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00338-019-01874-w.
Cresswell AK, Langlois TJ, Wilson SK, Claudet J, Thomson DP, Renton M, Fulton CJ, Fisher R, Vanderklift MA, Babcock RC, Stuart-Smith RD, Haywood MDE, Depczynski M, Westera M, Ayling AM, Fitzpatrick B, Halford AR, McLean DL, Pillans RD, Cheal AJ, Tinkler P, Edgar GJ, Graham NAJ, Harvey ES, Holmes TH (2019) Disentangling the response of fishes to recreational fishing over 30 years within a fringing coral reef reserve network. Biol Conserv 237: 514-524. Doi 10.1016/j.biocon.2019.06.023
Gilmour JP, Cook KL, Ryan NM, Puotinen ML, Green RH, Shedrawi G, Hobbs JPA, Thomson DP, Babcock RC, Buckee J, Foster T, Richards ZT, Wilson SK, Barnes PB, Coutts TB, Radford BT, Piggott CH, Depczynski, Evans SN, Schoepf V, Evans RD, Halford AR, Nutt CD, Bancroft KP, Heyward AJ, Oades D (2019) The state of Western Australia’s coral reefs. Coral Reefs doi: 10.1007/s00338-019-01795-8
Depczynski M, Cook K, Cure K, Davies H, Evans-Illidge L, Forester T, George K, Gould J, Howard A, Oades D, Underwood J, Wyatt M (2019) Marine monitoring of Australia’s indigenous sea country using remote technologies. J Ocean Tech 14: 60-75
Fulton CJ, Abesamis RA, Berkstrom C, Depczynski M Graham NAJ, Holmes TH, Kulbicki M, Noble MN, Radford BT, Tano S, Tinkler P, Wernberg T, Wilson SK (2019) Form and function of tropical macroalgal reefs in the Anthropocene. Funct Ecol. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13282.
Bainbridge S,Benthuysen J, Depczynski M, Evans-Illidge E, Forester T (2019) Reef Scan: A reef survey system for indigenous based monitoring. J Ocean Tech 14: 29-36
Wilson SK, Depczynski M, Fisher R, Holmes TH, Noble MN, Radford BT, Rule M, Shedrawi G, Tinkler P, Fulton CJ (2018) Climatic forcing and larval dispersal capabilities shape the replenishment of fishes and their habitat-forming biota on a tropical coral reef. Ecol Evol 8: 1918-1928
Van Lier JR, Wilson SK, Depczynski M Wenger LN, Fulton CJ (2018) Habitat connectivity and complexity underpin fish community structure across a seascape of tropical macroalgae meadows. Landscape Ecol 33: 1287-1300
Wenger AS, Rawson CA, Wilson S, Newman SJ, Travers MJ, Atkinson S, Browne N, Clarke D, Depczynski M, Erftemeijer PLA, Evans RD, Hobbs JPA, McIlwain JL, McLean DL, Saunders BJ, Harvey E (2018) Management strategies to minimize the dredging impacts of coastal development on fish and fisheries. Conserv Lett 11: e12572
Gagliano M, Abramson CI, Depczynski M (2018) Plants learn and remember: let’s get used to it. Oecologia 186: 29-31 Rebuttal to a paper which was critical of publication 13 below.
Wahab MAA, Radford B, Cappo M, Colquhoun J, Stowar M, Depczynski M, Miller K, Heyward A (2018) Biodiversity and spatial patterns of benthic habitat and associated demersal fish communities at two tropical submerged reef ecosystems. Coral Reefs 37: 327-343
Wenger AS, Harvey E, Wilson S, Rawson C, Newman SJ, Clarke D, Saunders BJ, Browne N, Travers MJ, McIlwain JL, Erftemeijer PLA, Hobbs JPA, McLean D, Depczynski M, Evans R (2017) A critical analysis of the direct effects of dredging on fish. Fish fisheries. DOI: 10.1111/faf.12218
Wilson SK, Depczynski M, Holmes TH, Noble MM, Radford BT, Tinkler, Fulton CJ (2017) Climatic conditions and nursery habitat quality provide indicators of reef fish recruitment strength. Limnol Oceanogr doi:10.1002/lno.10540
Gagliano M, Grimonprez M, Depczynski M, Renton M (2017) Tuned in: plant roots use sound to locate water. Oecologia 184: 151-160
Wernberg T, Bennett S, Babcock RC, de Bettignies T, Cure K, Depczynski M, Dufois F, fromont J, Fulton CJ, Hovey RK, Harvey ES, holmes TH, Kendrick GA, Radford B, Santana-Garcon J, Saunders BJ, Smale DA, Thomsen MS, Tuckett CA, Tuya F, Vanderklift MA, Wilson S (2016) Climate-driven regime shift of a temperate marine ecosystem. Science 353: 169-172
Wilson SK, Depczynski M, Fulton CJ, Holmes TH, Radford BT, Tinkler P (2016) Influence of nursery microhabitats on the future abundance of a coral reef fish. Proc R Soc B: 283: 1836.
Gagliano M, Vzazovskiy VV, Borbely AA, Grimonprez M, Depczynski M (2016) Learning by association in plants. Sci Reports 6: 38427
Thillainath EC, McIlwain JL, Wilson SK, Depczynski M (2016) Estimating the role of three mesopredatory fishes in coral reef food webs at Ningaloo Reef, western Australia. Coral Reefs 35: 261-269
Gagliano M, Depczynski M, Siebeck UE (2015) Facing the environment: onset and development of UV markings in young fish. Sci Reports 5: 1-9
Cocker DJ, Hoey AS, Wilson SK, Depczynski M, Graham NAJ, Hobbs JPA, Holmes TH, Pratchett MS (2015) Habitat selectivity and reliance on live corals for Indo-Pacific hawkfishes (Family: Cirrhitidae). PLoS ONE 10 (11)
Wilson SK, Fulton CJ, Depczynski M, Holmes TH, Noble MM, Radford B, Tinkler P (2014) Seasonal changes in habitat structure underpin shifts in macroalgae-associated tropical fish communities. Mar Biol 161: 2597-2607
Fulton CJ, Depczynski M, Holmes TH, Noble MM, Radford B, Wernberg T, Wilson SK (2014) Sea temperature shapes seasonal fluctuations in seaweed biomass within the Ningaloo coral reef ecosystem. Limnol Oceanogr 59: 156-166
Gagliano M, Renton M, Depczynski M, Mancuso S (2014) Experience teaches plants to learn faster and forget slower in environments where it matters. Oecologia 175: 63-72
Ashworth EC, Depczynski M, Holmes TH, Wilson SK (2014) Quantitative diet analysis of four mesopredators from a coral reef. J Fish Biol 84: 1031-1045
Depczynski M, Gilmour JP, Ridgway T, Barnes H, Heyward AJ, Holmes TH, Moore JAY, Radford BT, Thomson DP, Tinkler P, Wilson SK (2013) Bleaching, coral mortality and subsequent survivorship on a West Australian fringing reef. Coral Reefs 32: 233-238
Depczynski M, Gagliano M (2013) Natural-born con artists and counterfeiters. Comm Integr Biol 6 (4)
Gagliano M, Depczynski M (2013) Spot the difference: Mimicry in a coral reef fish. PLoS ONE 8 (2)
Speed CW, Babcock RC, Bancroft KP, Beckley LE, Bellchambers LM, Depczynski M, Field SN, Friedman KJ, Gilmour JP, Hobbs JPA, Kobryn HT, Moore JAY, Nutt CD, Shedrawi G, Thomson DP, Wilson SK (2013) Dynamic stability of coral reefs on the West Australian Coast. PLoS ONE 8 (7)
Johansson JL, van de Leemput IA, Depczynski M, Bellwood DR (2013) Key herbivores reveal limited functional redundancy on inshore coral reefs. Coral Reefs 32: 963-972
Johansson JL, Depczynski M, Bellwood DR (2013) The distribution of the sea urchin Echinometra mathaei (de Blainville) predators on Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia: The implications for top-down control in an intact reef system. JEMBE 442: 39-46
Herwig JN, Depczynski M, Roberts JD, Semmens JM, Gagliano M, Heyward AJ (2012) Using age-based life history data to investigate the life cycle and vulnerability of Octopus cyanea. PLoS ONE 7 (8)
Johansson CL, Bellwood DR, Depczynski M (2012) The importance of live coral for small-sized herbivorous reef fishes in physically challenging environments. Mar Freshw Res 63: 659-671
Moore AY, Bellchambers LM, Depczynski M, Evans RD, Evans SN, Field SN, Friedman KJ, Gilmour JP, Holmes TH, Middlebrook R, Radford BT, Ridgway T, Shedrawi G, Taylor H, Thomson DP, Wilson SK (2012) unprecedented mass bleaching and loss of coral across 12° of latitude in Western Australia in 2010-11. PLoS ONE 7 (12)
Bellwood DR, Baird AH, Depczynski M, Gonzalles-Cabello A, Hoey AS, Lefevre CD, Tanner JK (2012) Coral reefs may not herald the return of fishes on damaged coral reefs. Oecologia 170: 567-573
Gagliano M, Depczynski M, Whalan S (2011) Use it and lose it: lipofuscin accumulation in the midbrain of a coral reef fish. J. Fish Biol.78: 659-666
Wilson SK, Depczynski M, Fisher R, Holmes TH, O’Leary RA, Tinkler P (2010) Habitat associations of juvenile fish at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia: The importance of coral and algae. PloS One 5 (12)
Johansson CL, Bellwood DR, Depczynski M (2010) Urchins, macroalgae and coral reef decline: a functional evaluation of an intact reef system, Ningaloo, Western Australia. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 414: 65-74
Wilson SK, Adjeroud M, Bellwood DR, Berumen ML, Booth D, Bozec YM, Chabanet P, Cheal A, Cinner J, Depczynski M, Feary DA, Gagliano M, Graham NAJ, Halford AR, Halpern BS, Harborne AR, Hoey AS, Holbrook SJ, Jones GP, Kulbicki M, Letourneur Y, De Loma TL, McClanahan T, McCormick MI, Meekan MG, Mumby PJ, Munday PL, Ohman MC, Pratchett MS, Riegl B, Sano M, Schmitt RJ, Syms C (2010) Critical knowledge gaps in current understanding of climate change impacts on coral reef fishes. J. Exp. Biol. 213:894-900
Gagliano M, McCormick MI, Moore JAY, Depczynski M (2010) The basics of acidification: baseline variability of pH on Australian coral reefs. Mar. Biol. 157:1849–1856
Gagliano M, Dunlap WC, de Nys R, Depczynski M (2009) Ockham’s Razor gone blunt: coenzyme Q adaptation and redox balance in tropical reef fishes. Biol. Lett. 5:360–363
Gagliano M, Depczynski M, Simpson SD, Moore JAY (2008) Dispersal without errors: symmetrical ears tune into the right frequency for survival. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 275:527-534
Depczynski M, Fulton CJ, Marnane MJ, Bellwood DR (2007) Life history patterns shape energy allocation among fishes on coral reefs. Oecologia 153: 111-120
Depczynski M & Gagliano M (2007) Andaman blennies bathe in the tropical sun rather than in the water. Coral Reefs 26:677
Bellwood DR, Hoey AS, Ackerman JL, Depczynski M (2006) Coral bleaching, reef fish community phase shifts and the resilience of coral reefs. Glob. Change Biol. 12: 1587-1594
Depczynski M, Bellwood DR (2006) Extremes, plasticity and invariance in vertebrate life history traits: insights from coral reef fishes. Ecology 87: 3119-3127
Depczynski M, Bellwood DR (2005) Shortest recorded vertebrate lifespan found in a coral reef fish. Curr. Biol. 15:R288-R289
Depczynski M, Bellwood DR (2005) Wave energy and spatial variability in community structure of small cryptic coral reef fishes. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 303: 283-293
Depczynski M, Bellwood DR (2004) Microhabitat utilisation patterns in cryptobenthic coral reef fish communities. Mar. Biol. 145: 455-464
Depczynski M, Bellwood DR (2003) The role of cryptobenthic reef fishes in coral reef trophodynamics. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 256: 183-191
Gagliano M, Depczynski M, Whalan S (2011) Use it and lose it: lipofuscin accumulation in the midbrain of a coral reef fish. J. Fish Biol.78: 659-666
Wilson SK, Depczynski M, Fisher R, Holmes TH, O’Leary RA, Tinkler P (2010) Habitat associations of juvenile fish at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia: The importance of coral and algae. PloS One 5 (12)
Johansson CL, Bellwood DR, Depczynski M (2010) Urchins, macroalgae and coral reef decline: a functional evaluation of an intact reef system, Ningaloo, Western Australia. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 414: 65-74
Wilson SK, Adjeroud M, Bellwood DR, Berumen ML, Booth D, Bozec YM, Chabanet P, Cheal A, Cinner J, Depczynski M, Feary DA, Gagliano M, Graham NAJ, Halford AR, Halpern BS, Harborne AR, Hoey AS, Holbrook SJ, Jones GP, Kulbicki M, Letourneur Y, De Loma TL, McClanahan T, McCormick MI, Meekan MG, Mumby PJ, Munday PL, Ohman MC, Pratchett MS, Riegl B, Sano M, Schmitt RJ, Syms C (2010) Critical knowledge gaps in current understanding of climate change impacts on coral reef fishes. J. Exp. Biol. 213:894-900
Gagliano M, McCormick MI, Moore JAY, Depczynski M (2010) The basics of acidification: baseline variability of pH on Australian coral reefs. Mar. Biol. 157:1849–1856
Gagliano M, Dunlap WC, de Nys R, Depczynski M (2009) Ockham’s Razor gone blunt: coenzyme Q adaptation and redox balance in tropical reef fishes. Biol. Lett. 5:360–363
Gagliano M, Depczynski M, Simpson SD, Moore JAY (2008) Dispersal without errors: symmetrical ears tune into the right frequency for survival. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 275:527-534
Depczynski M, Fulton CJ, Marnane MJ, Bellwood DR (2007) Life history patterns shape energy allocation among fishes on coral reefs. Oecologia 153: 111-120
Depczynski M & Gagliano M (2007) Andaman blennies bathe in the tropical sun rather than in the water. Coral Reefs 26:677
Bellwood DR, Hoey AS, Ackerman JL, Depczynski M (2006) Coral bleaching, reef fish community phase shifts and the resilience of coral reefs. Glob. Change Biol. 12: 1587-1594
Depczynski M, Bellwood DR (2006) Extremes, plasticity and invariance in vertebrate life history traits: insights from coral reef fishes. Ecology 87: 3119-3127
Depczynski M, Bellwood DR (2005) Shortest recorded vertebrate lifespan found in a coral reef fish. Curr. Biol. 15:R288-R289
Depczynski M, Bellwood DR (2005) Wave energy and spatial variability in community structure of small cryptic coral reef fishes. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 303: 283-293
Depczynski M, Bellwood DR (2004) Microhabitat utilisation patterns in cryptobenthic coral reef fish communities. Mar. Biol. 145: 455-464
Depczynski M, Bellwood DR (2003) The role of cryptobenthic reef fishes in coral reef trophodynamics. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 256: 183-191