I joined the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) in 2008 to develop the technology behind the eAtlas and took over as project leader in 2011. My focus is now collaborating with researchers to best capture, process, document and visualise their data and working with stakeholders to ensure the eAtlas best matches their needs. Prior to AIMS I was the Chief Technical Officer of Code Valley Pty. Ltd. (2001 - 2008), where I lead a team researching a new platform for software development. Some of my key technical skills include R, Java, GIS, Remote Sensing, Javascript, GeoServer, GeoNetwork, ISO19115, ESRI ArcMap, QGIS, GDAL, Linux and Inkscape.
The main focus of my work is developing on-line systems that manage environmental research data and its use in modelling and the generation of synthesis reporting products. My current research projects include a report card data management system for Gladstone, visualising and generating reporting products from eReefs modelling and remote sensing data and managing the eAtlas for the National Environmental Science Program Tropical Water Quality Hub. I also recently completed the development of high resolution mapping of the reefs of Torres Strait.
Lawrey, Eric & Stewart, Melanie. (2022). Mapping the Torres Strait Reef and Island Features Extending the GBR Features (GBRMPA) dataset Mapping the Torres Strait Reef and Island Features Extending the GBR Features (GBRMPA) dataset. 10.13140/RG.2.2.13608.85762
Maynard, Jeffrey & Beeden, Roger & Puotinen, Marjetta & Johnson, Johanna & Marshall, Paul & van Hooidonk, Ruben & Heron, Scott & Devlin, Michelle & Lawrey, Eric & Dryden, Jen & Ban, Natalie & Wachenfeld, David & Planes, Serge. (2015). Great Barrier Reef No‐Take Areas Include a Range of Disturbance Regimes. Conservation Letters. 9. 10.1111/conl.12198.
Cappo, Mike & Stowar, Marcus & Stieglitz, Thomas & Lawrey, Eric & Johansson, Charlotte & Macneil, Aaron. (2012). Measuring and communicating effects of MPAs on deep “shoal” fisheries https://www.researchgate.net/publication/260517168_Measuring_and_commun…
Lovisa, Noel & Lawrey, Eric. (2014). Code generation techniques https://www.researchgate.net/publication/302787489_Code_generation_tech…
Lafond G, Lawrey E (2011 - 2014) AtlasMapper - Web mapping client for viewing a catalogue of WMS, ArcGIS, ncWMS and XYZ tile map layers. [Open source project], https://code.google.com/p/atlasmapper/
Lawrey E, Lafond G (2013-2014) e-Atlas Data Tools - Tools, libraries and scripts (R) for preparing environmental research data. [Open source project], https://code.google.com/p/e-atlas-data-tools/
Lawrey E, Lafond G (2014) Crown of Thorns Starfish (COTS) outbreaks on the Great Barrier Reef (animation), [Animation and map service] http://e-atlas.org.au/content/crown-thorns-starfish-outbreaks-animation
Lawrey E, Stowar M, Cappo M (2010) Interactive map and videos from GBR Baited Remote Underwater Video System (BRUVS). [map service, kml, videos], http://e-atlas.org.au/content/gbr-aims-bruvs
Lawrey E (2013) Bright Earth e-Atlas Basemap v1.0. [Data files and map service] http://e-atlas.org.au/data/uuid/ac57aa5a-233b-4c2c-bd52-1fb40a31f639
Lawrey E (2013) NERP TE Project Maps - Areas of research activity, tracks and sites (NERP TE 13.1, AIMS). [Data files and Map service] Available: http://e-atlas.org.au/data/uuid/5f8f58a6-9ba4-4c47-bf69-6c909849fbd2