man wearing red shirt standing in front of green tree branches

Angus Thompson

Coordinator - Inshore Coral Monitoring
Reef Monitoring 
Contact email

Angus Thompson is a Marine Biologist with an extensive background in monitoring and reporting the condition of coral reef ecosystems. Angus’s interests and experience are focused on gaining robust time-series of coral communities and the development of reporting metrics to communicate their condition to a broad range of stakeholders. Central to the effective reporting of coral community condition is his ongoing interest in understanding how the multiple pressures, to which corals are exposed, culminate in their resilience.

2005 - Present
Coordinator of the coral component of the Marine Monitoring Program; Australian Institute of Marine Science
1992 - 2004
Coordinator coral reef fish monitoring, Long-Term Monitoring Program; Australian Institute of Marine Science
1989 - 1992
Experimental Scientist, Broad Scale Monitoring, Australian institute of Marine Science
BSc Marine Biology, James Cook University, Australia

Since 2005 I have coordinated the coral component of the Marine Monitoring Program. Central to this position is my interest in understanding the pressures that determine coral community condition in inshore waters. An additional requirement of this program is the synthesis of results into formats accessible to diverse audiences that has lead to my interest in the use of report cards to convey the state of ecological process in a broadly accessible and intuitive format.

Committees and roles
Member – Technical working group, Paddock to Reef, regional report cards

Hock, K., Hastings, A., Doropoulos, C., Babcock, R. C., Ortiz, J. C., Thompson, A., & Mumby, P. J. 2024. Transient dynamics mask the resilience of coral reefs. Theoretical Ecology17(1), 1-12.

Thompson, A., Davidson, J., Logan, M., & Thompson, C. 2024. Marine Monitoring Program: Annual Report Inshore Coral Reef Monitoring 2022–23.

Fabricius, K. E., Crossman, K., Jonker, M., Mongin, M., & Thompson, A. (2023). Macroalgal cover on coral reefs: Spatial and environmental predictors, and decadal trends in the Great Barrier Reef. PLoS One18(1), e0279699.

Gonzalez-Rivero, M., Thompson A., Johns K., Ortiz J., Kim S., Fabricius K., Emslie M., Hoey A., Hoogenboom M., Barrios-Novak K., McClure E., Pandolfi J, Mumby P. J., Murray L., Schaffelke B., & Staples T. 2023a, Introduction: Indicator Framework for the evaluation of the condition of coral reef habitats in the Great Barrier Reef. Report prepared for the Great Barrier Reef Foundation. Australian Institute of Marine ScienceTownsville. . 23 p available here

Gonzalez-Rivero, M., Thompson A., Johns K., Ortiz J., Kim S., Fabricius K., Emslie M., Hoey A., Hoogenboom M., Barrios-Novak K., McClure E., Pandolfi J, Mumby P. J., Murray L., Schaffelke B., & Staples T. 2023b, Indicator Framework for the evaluation of the condition of coral reef habitats in the Great Barrier Reef: Methodological Documentation. Report prepared for the Great Barrier Reef Foundation. Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville. 138 p available here

Thompson, A., Davidson, J., Logan, M., & Thompson, C. 2023. Marine Monitoring Program Annual Report 2021-22 Inshore Coral Reef Monitoring.

Bozec, Y. M., Hock, K., Mason, R. A. B., Baird, M. E., Castro-Sanguino, C., Condie, S. A., Puotinen, M., Thompson, A., & Mumby, P. J. 2022, Cumulative impacts across Australia’s Great Barrier Reef: a mechanistic evaluation. Ecological Monographs, 92(1): e01494.

Thompson, A., Davidson, J., Logan, M., & Coleman, G. 2022. Marine Monitoring Program: Annual Report Inshore Coral Reef Monitoring 2020-21.

Warne, D. J., Crossman, K. A., Jin, W., Mengersen, K., Osborne, K., Simpson, M. J., Thompson,A., Wu, P. & (2022). Identification of two‐phase recovery for interpretation of coral reef monitoring data. Journal of Applied Ecology59(1), 153-164.

Warne, D. J., Crossman, K. A., Jin, W., Mengersen, K. L., Osborne, K., Simpson, M. J., Thompson, A., Wu, P. & Ortiz, J. C. (2022). Identification of two-phase recovery in hard corals across the Great Barrier Reef. Journal of Applied Ecology59, 153-164.

Castro-Sanguino, C., Ortiz, J. C., Thompson, A., Wolff, N. H., Ferrari, R., Robson, B., ... & Uthicke, S. (2021). Reef state and performance as indicators of cumulative impacts on coral reefs. Ecological Indicators123, 107335.

Thompson, A., Costello, P., Davidson, J., Logan, M., Coleman, G. 2021, Marine Monitoring Program Annual Report for Inshore Coral Reef Monitoring: 2019–20. Report for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville.146 pp.

Castro-Sanguino, C., Carlos Ortiz, J., Thompson, A., Wolff, H.H., Ferrari, R., Robson, B., Magno-Canto, M.M., Puotinen, M., Fabricius, K.E., Uthicke, S., 2021, Reef state and performance as indicators of cumulative impacts on coral reefs. Ecological Indicators 123:

Thompson, A., Martin, K. and Logan, M., 2020. Development of the coral index, a summary of coral reef resilience as a guide for management. Journal of Environmental Management, 271, p.111038.

Schaffelke, B., Anthony, K., Babcock, R., Bridge, T., Carlos, E., Diaz-Pulido, G., Gonzalez-Rivero, M., Gooch, M., Hoey, A., Horne, D, Kane, K., McKenzie, K., Merida, F., Molly, F., Moon, S., Mumby, P., Oritz, J.C., Pears, R., Phinn, S., Ridgway, T., Roelfsema, C., Singleton, G., Thompson, A. 2020. Monitoring coral reefs within the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program: final report of the coral reef expert group.

Thompson, A., Costello, P., Davidson, J., Logan, M., Coleman, G. 2020, Marine Monitoring Program Annual Report for Inshore Coral Reef Monitoring: 2018–19. Report for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville.142 pp.

Smith, J.N., Mongin, M., Thompson, A., Jonker, M.J., De'ath, G. and Fabricius, K.E., 2020. Shifts in coralline algae, macroalgae, and coral juveniles in the Great Barrier Reef associated with present‐day ocean acidification. Global Change Biology26(4), pp.2149-2160

Anderson MJ, Thompson AA (2004) Multivariate control charts for ecological and environmental monitoring. Ecological Applications 14: 1921-1935.

Sweatman HPA, Thompson AA, Neale SJ and Thomson DP (2006) Inshore coral reefs monitoring. (pp.171-236) Water quality and ecosystem monitoring programs - Reef Water Quality Protection Plan. Final report August 2006. An unpublished report to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. CRC Reef Research Centre. 138 p.

Cheal AJ, Delean S, Sweatman HPA and Thompson AA (2007) Spatial synchrony in coral reef fish populations and the influence of climate. Ecology 88(1): 158-169.

Uthicke S, Thompson AA and Schaffelke B (2010) Effectiveness of benthic foraminiferal and coral assemblages as water quality indicators on inshore reefs of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Coral Reefs 29: 209-225.

Thompson AA, Dolman A (2010) Coral bleaching: one disturbance too many for near-shore reefs of the Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs 29: 637-648.

Thompson A, Schroeder T, Brando VE, Schaffelke B (2014) Coral community responses to declining water quality: Whitsunday Islands, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Coral Reefs 33(4): 923-938

Petus C, Devlin M, Thompson A, McKenzie L, da Silva ET, Collier C, Tracey D, Martin K (2016) Estimating the exposure of coral reefs and seagrass meadows to land-sourced contaminants in river flood plumes of the Great Barrier Reef: Validating a simple satellite risk framework with environmental data. Remote Sensing 8(3): 210

Osborne K, Thompson AA, Cheal AJ, Emslie MJ, Johns KA, Jonker MJ, Logan M, Miller IR, Sweatman HP (2017) Delayed coral recovery in a warming ocean. Global Change Biology 23(9):3869-81.

Thompson A, Costello P, Davidson J, Logan M, Coleman G, Gunn K (2018) Marine Monitoring Program. Annual for coral reef monitoring: 2016 to 2017. Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville (148 p)