pink coral image with fish

2019 SeaSim spawning research

Spawning 2019 Header

The National Sea Simulator is home to a number of exciting research projects during the 2019 Great Barrier Reef spawning season, from October to December.

Our focus on this pivotal moment is to best understand how science can improve the health the Reef, and other reefs around the world.


National Sea Simulator operation manager

Craig Humphrey

Media contact

Emma Chadwick

07 4753 4452 or 0412 181 919

Testing the efficacy of Assisted Gene Flow on the Great Barrier Reef
healthy plate corals on reef
Interspecific coral hybridisation and reef restoration
small corals in SeaSim aquaria
Evolution in the 21st century: Can coral reef organisms adapt to climate change?
up close to a coral with maze-like patterns
Cryopreserving living coral from the Great Barrier Reef
Two scientists with samples in SeaSim
Combined impacts of oils, light and heat on coral reproduction
black oil spots under a microscope